For your fragrant tea scented time.
In the last years a lot of fragrances came up with tea notes. It all started with green tea and herbal infusions like camomile, hibiscus and then went over to black tea in many flavour variations.
I work a lot with tea-notes in my creations for many years now.
It is just fascinating how many different variations can be used and combinated. Creating a new tea note is always very thrilling.
Tea notes give a special effect to a perfume. It might be lightening the fragrance, enriching with spicey springles or just gifting it a very unusual aspect.
HIGH INSPIATION for example has a bamboo and wild herbs tea note that presents the wide sky impression of this perfume.
DREAM OF INDIA has a very pleasant Chai Masala and black tea note that was created just for this fragrance.
and if you want to enjoy a cup of good flavoured tea:
( by the way when you ever come to Rome, this is a very nice place for a tea time surrounded by the splendid garden of Villa Pamphili)
and a recipe how to do that very special flavoured tibetan butter tea:
and don´t forget that tea for two can be a very sensual moment with a cup of tea or the tea fragrances,
everything is posible!

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